There are a number of historic posts/threads on this topic, but most are at least a couple/few years old. What's the current sentiment on using sleeves/snakeskins with dyneema tarps?

Last fall, I splurged and got a 12' rectangle tarp in one of Dutch's sales. All my previous tarps have been sil-nylon, sil-poly or some other less exotic material. On all of those, I love the convenience of HG mesh sleeves to make setup and takedown very easy.

I know that "best practice" for dyneema is to roll/fold rather than stuff, so storing one in a sleeve would mean rolling from the bottom edge up (which kind of limits the takedown benefits a bit). I've also watched CMoulder's "Z-fold" video a few times, but have not tried that technique myself.

So, for those of you with dyneema tarps, how many are using sleeves/skins? How does using one impact the longevity of the material? I paid quite a bit of money for this tarp, so I want it to last.