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  1. #1
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    New Dynaglide suspension system - anyone using DIY whoopies made from Dynaglide?

    Just ordered the new Dynaglide suspension from Dutch (Ultra Light Hardware Free Suspension | DutchWare Gear). I'm a tad concerned about the weight limit because I'm right at the 200 pound mark. Does anyone have experience using this cordage for a whoopie sling suspension and have any thoughts on hanging from it?

    If someone from DutchWare Gear reads this, you may want to update your web page for Dynaglide (Dynaglide Throwline Rope (25 Feet) | DutchWare Gear) because it currently states, "We have completed breakage testing at 900 pounds for whoopie slings made of DynaGlide. This does not meet our minimum ratings for hammock suspensions, so we do not suggest this rope for that application."

    I guess it's time to heed the best UL advice and lose weight from the hiker before losing weight on the gear.
    Last edited by iceman857; 04-04-2024 at 08:33.

    "An optimist is a man who plants two acorns and buys a hammock" - Jean de Lattre de Tassigny (French Army General in WWII)

  2. #2
    Senior Member Cruiser51's Avatar
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    Upfront I have to make it clear that I like Dutchware a lot (actually just got a delivery notice for a package coming tomorrow), but you have to be a little careful with the DutchWare site (in fairness, most sites) for provided technical info IMO ... I offer a second example

    I was considering the Spider Webbing for a project, it comes in 2 flavours, the site specs, at the time read 1" @ 1.5 grams/foot 1000 pounds, 2" @3 grams/foot 1000 pounds

    I dropped them an email and suggested that didn't seem to be correct and could they please check. I got a nice response and they gave me new numbers ... sounds good right?

    New numbers and updated site info is 1" @1.5 grams/foot 1000 pounds, 2" @3 grams per foot 1500 pounds ..... just looking at the numbers (the website, at writing, still has those numbers) I am pretty sure this also isn't correct, but I did try and I think they dropped the ball.

    In your case I would drop them an email, point out the conflict and give them a chance to fix the info for everyone ... best case, you get a better idea of what the suspension can do and its suitability for you, worst case you start looking at meal planning (lol).

  3. #3
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    Generally speaking- folks here tend to rely on a 5:1 safety factor.

    SO 1000lb breaking strength divided by 5= 200lb user
    As knots/splicing can reduce strength... 900lbs divided by 5= 180lbs and falls below that 'average' 200lb goal and makes sense.

    So the updating probably should be on the suspension page as technically- it's an accurate enough statement for general use regarding dynaglide suspension.

    I also sell dynaglide suspension/whoopies/soft shackles to my SUL/UL customers and generally those fall into the 180lbs and under group since that is the bridge's rating too.

    All that said- if you're not a jackass- you'll be fine.
    I've regularly used it over 200lbs and really my only rule of thumb is to replace it each season or so as a precaution since I am 'pushing it' a little as well.

    900lbs divided by 4= 225lbs. So 4:1 safety factor if you're not a brand new hanger subject to bounce loading or abusing the rig basically.
    Call it an 'experience adjustment' if you like since most safety factors tend to be adjusted closer to 'idiot proof' than "competent user".
    If you're not prone to dynamically bouncing your way out, telling folks/pets to hop in with you or tripping on your stakes and faceplanting into the hammock as common means of egress... like most SUL stuff a little loving goes a long way to longevity.

    Another great way to save a little is to use only one 'working side'.
    As in- you do a fixed suspension (like an 8' strap) on one side and a whoopie sling on the other.
    This is also a decent way to start working in a becket hitch as the weight is similar or even lighter; So you becket one side to start, then use the whoopie on the other so you're not fiddling too much trying to nail down a double becket at just the right tension. I find with my bridges especially- being able to get that last inch or so of tension is pretty important and hard to beat a whoopie sling for that.
    The hybrid approach helps if you run into 'tight' pitches in your area since you can setup right on one of the trees too.

    It's also a way for a heavier user to 'cheat' a little savings out if you're not comfortable with dynaglide and want to stick with Amsteel.
    For some folks- it's just too hard to work/requires too much finger strength to break it and it doesn't make sense for them to use as well.

    As fer websites... mine is atrocious I can't imagine keeping Dutch's accurate.

  4. #4
    Dutch's Avatar
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    Thanks for the heads up! We did change the wording on the Dynaglide product page to include the fact that we do not suggest this for weights over 200 lbs. We tend to be conservative in our ratings and publish them on the side of safety rather than the highest possible breaking point. We do this for many reasons, but one reason is manner of use. If someone has kids who tend to superman dive into the hammock (I've seen it! LOL!) or an adult who loves swaying in the hammock, or other possibilities, there are completely different forces at work than just a pull test can tell us. We know people like pushing the limits, even weight limits, so we always try to make sure people will be safe-as much as it depends on us!

    Like Just Bill said, "1000lb breaking strength divided by 5= 200lb user". This type of thing is industry standard, and we do it for safety. If you are at the 200 lb mark, I'd think you are safe. If you decided to lower your weight load by reducing "hiker weight", even better! LOL!
    Peace Dutch
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  5. #5
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    Just received the new UL suspension and have a noob question: What's the correct way of connecting the whoopie sling to the replacement continuous loop? I think that I simply am having a hard time figuring out how to engage the button knot.

    Picture included for reference (whoopie on top; new DIScontinuous loop on bottom):
    UL suspension.jpg

    "An optimist is a man who plants two acorns and buys a hammock" - Jean de Lattre de Tassigny (French Army General in WWII)

  6. #6
    Phantom Grappler's Avatar
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    New Dynaglide suspension system - anyone using DIY whoopies made from Dynaglide?

    Unrelated guesses
    If they were both sold together in a kit—maybe vendor has a video of setup

    Maybe use a larks head to attach these two parts.
    The whoopie sling could insert adjustable loop end part way through “continuous” loop at end of hammock. Form into a larks head with whoopie sling passing its loose end through itself

    If sold as a kit, other customers can help

    I does not know

    Edit: if you made your DIY whoopie sling, before starting adjustable splice, you could have connected them permanently together by running loose end through hammock loop and then splice it, completing whoopie sling
    Last edited by Phantom Grappler; 04-25-2024 at 07:04.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom Grappler View Post
    maybe vendor has a video of setup
    I submitted a note on the vendor's website with the questions I have and it hasn't been published in the Discussion tab. I think they assume the hammocking community knows enough about connecting things.

    I don't like the idea of needing to larks head the whoopie onto the loop/button knot situation; that's an added step I was hoping to avoid.

    "An optimist is a man who plants two acorns and buys a hammock" - Jean de Lattre de Tassigny (French Army General in WWII)

  8. #8
    Phantom Grappler's Avatar
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    Yes, I don’t like idea of larks head used to attach in this situation.
    Did you make your own whoopie sling? Or was it delivered already made?

    If you made whoopie sling, you could have interlinked them together during the build.

    You could even deconstruct your whoopie sling and before redoing your splice—pass loose end through hammock loop, then continue with your splice to complete whoopie sling.
    They would be built together.

    I does not know

    Good luck

  9. #9
    Phantom Grappler's Avatar
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    If no other solution, attach parts of suspension with a soft shackle. Only problem—it adds more weight
    Not much, except then it would not be ultra ultralight.

    I’m sure, you will see a video by Dutch with easy directions. Or someone here on Hammock Forums will help with correct application.

    Maybe if you fiddle with parts, it will fall into place

    There is always hope

    Maybe call Dutch on phone and ask for a video, a diagram, or a mug of coffee, a shot of brandy, and a true story.

    If you received all parts to kit, I know there is an answer. It’s just when I looked at photo, I didn’t see a connection either.

    Iceman like I was telling my waitress the other day
    “I’m as stupid as I was, when I was 19….
    Only now, I’m much better looking”

    She said “No” with a quizzical look in her eyes.
    I said “If you saw pictures of me when I was 19 in late sixties-early seventies, wearing bell bottom jeans, stacked soles on elevator shoes, tie dyed t-shirts (hand dyed) and unkempt hair hanging down
    over my eyes—then you’d agree, I’m better looking now”
    She is an excellent waitress-bartender. She is hospitality personified.

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